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2023-06-30 11:25:19 来源:博客园

这是在Datadog公司任职的Kevin Gosse大佬使用C#编写.NET分析器的系列文章之一,在国内只有很少很少的人了解和研究.NET分析器,它常被用于APM(应用性能诊断)、IDE、诊断工具中,比如Datadog的APM,Visual Studio的分析器以及Rider和Reshaper等等。之前只能使用C++编写,自从.NET NativeAOT发布以后,使用C#编写变为可能。


笔者最近也在尝试开发一个运行时方法注入的工具,欢迎熟悉MSIL 、PE Metadata 布局、CLR 源码、CLR Profiler API的大佬,或者对这个感兴趣的朋友留联系方式或者在公众号留言,一起交流学习。

原作者:Kevin Gosse







public class DllMain  {      private static ClassFactory Instance;        [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "DllGetClassObject")]      public static unsafe int DllGetClassObject(void* rclsid, void* riid, nint* ppv)      {          Console.WriteLine("Hello from the profiling API");            // 为虚方法表指针和指向5个方法的指针分配内存块          var chunk = (IntPtr*)NativeMemory.Alloc(1 + 5, (nuint)IntPtr.Size);            // 虚方法表指针          *chunk = (IntPtr)(chunk + 1);            // 指向接口的每个方法的指针          *(chunk + 1) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&QueryInterface;          *(chunk + 2) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&AddRef;          *(chunk + 3) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&Release;          *(chunk + 4) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&CreateInstance;          *(chunk + 5) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&LockServer;            *ppv = (IntPtr)chunk;            return HResult.S_OK;      }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]      public static unsafe int QueryInterface(IntPtr self, Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr)      {          Console.WriteLine("QueryInterface");          *ptr = IntPtr.Zero;          return 0;      }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]      public static int AddRef(IntPtr self)      {          Console.WriteLine("AddRef");          return 1;      }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]      public static int Release(IntPtr self)      {          Console.WriteLine("Release");          return 1;      }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]      public static unsafe int CreateInstance(IntPtr self, IntPtr outer, Guid* guid, IntPtr* instance)      {          Console.WriteLine("CreateInstance");          *instance = IntPtr.Zero;          return 0;      }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]      public static int LockServer(IntPtr self, bool @lock)      {          return 0;      }  }  


public class ClassFactory{    public unsafe int QueryInterface(IntPtr self, Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr)    {        Console.WriteLine("QueryInterface");        *ptr = IntPtr.Zero;        return 0;    }    public int AddRef(IntPtr self)    {        Console.WriteLine("AddRef");        return 1;    }    public int Release(IntPtr self)    {        Console.WriteLine("Release");        return 1;    }    public unsafe int CreateInstance(IntPtr self, IntPtr outer, Guid* guid, IntPtr* instance)    {        Console.WriteLine("CreateInstance");        *instance = IntPtr.Zero;        return 0;    }    public int LockServer(IntPtr self, bool @lock)    {        return 0;    }}



public unsafe class ClassFactory{    private static Dictionary _instances = new();     public ClassFactory()    {        // 为虚拟表指针和指向5个方法的指针分配内存块        var chunk = (IntPtr*)NativeMemory.Alloc(1 + 5, (nuint)IntPtr.Size);         // 指向虚拟表的指针        chunk = (IntPtr)(chunk + 1);         // 指向接口中每个方法的指针        (chunk + 1) = (IntPtr)(delegate unmanaged)&QueryInterfaceNative;         // [...] (为简洁起见,已省略)         _instances.Add((IntPtr)chunk, this);    }     public int QueryInterface(Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr)    {        Console.WriteLine("QueryInterface");        ptr = IntPtr.Zero;        return 0;    }     // [...] (对于ClassFactory的其他实例方法也是如此)     [UnmanagedCallersOnly]    public static int QueryInterfaceNative(IntPtr self, Guid guid, IntPtr* ptr)    {        var instance = _instances[self];         return instance.QueryInterface(guid, ptr);    }     // [...] (对于ClassFactory的其他静态方法也是如此)}




public ClassFactory(){    // 为虚拟表指针+托管对象地址+指向5个方法的指针分配内存块    var chunk = (IntPtr*)NativeMemory.Alloc(2 + 5, (nuint)IntPtr.Size);     // 指向虚拟表的指针    *chunk = (IntPtr)(chunk + 2);     // 指向托管对象的指针    *(chunk + 1) = &this;     // [...]}


[UnmanagedCallersOnly]public static unsafe int QueryInterfaceNative(IntPtr* self, Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr){    var instance = *(ClassFactory*)(self + 1);     return instance.QueryInterface(guid, ptr);}


*: 我撒谎了。如果你使用的是最新版本的C#,那么你可以获取this的地址:

var classFactory = this;(chunk + 1) = (nint)(nint)&classFactory;




public ClassFactory(){    // 为虚拟表指针、托管对象地址以及5个方法的指针分配内存块    var chunk = (IntPtr*)NativeMemory.Alloc(2 + 5, (nuint)IntPtr.Size);     // 虚拟表指针    *chunk = (IntPtr)(chunk + 2);     // 托管对象指针    var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);    *(chunk + 1) = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);     // [...]}


[UnmanagedCallersOnly]public static unsafe int QueryInterfaceNative(IntPtr\* self, Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr){    var handleAddress = *(self + 1);    var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleAddress);    var instance = (ClassFactory)handle.Target;     return instance.QueryInterface(guid, ptr);}


public unsafe class ClassFactory{    public ClassFactory()    {        // Allocate the chunk of memory for the vtable pointer + the address of the managed object + the pointers to the 5 methods        var chunk = (IntPtr*)NativeMemory.Alloc(2 + 5, (nuint)IntPtr.Size);        // Pointer to the vtable        *chunk = (IntPtr)(chunk + 2);        // Pointer to the managed object        var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(this);        *(chunk + 1) = GCHandle.ToIntPtr(handle);        *(chunk + 2) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&Exports.QueryInterface;        *(chunk + 3) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&Exports.AddRef;        *(chunk + 4) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&Exports.Release;        *(chunk + 5) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&Exports.CreateInstance;        *(chunk + 6) = (IntPtr)(delegate* unmanaged)&Exports.LockServer;        Object = (IntPtr)chunk;    }    public IntPtr Object { get; }    public int QueryInterface(Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr)    {        Console.WriteLine("QueryInterface");        *ptr = IntPtr.Zero;        return 0;    }    public int AddRef()    {        Console.WriteLine("AddRef");        return 1;    }    public int Release()    {        Console.WriteLine("Release");        return 1;    }    public int CreateInstance(IntPtr outer, Guid* guid, IntPtr* instance)    {        Console.WriteLine("CreateInstance");        *instance = IntPtr.Zero;        return 0;    }    public int LockServer(bool @lock)    {        Console.WriteLine("LockServer");        return 0;    }    private class Exports    {        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]        public static int QueryInterface(IntPtr* self, Guid* guid, IntPtr* ptr)        {            var handleAddress = *(self + 1);            var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleAddress);            var obj = (ClassFactory)handle.Target;            return obj.QueryInterface(guid, ptr);        }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]        public static int AddRef(IntPtr* self)        {            var handleAddress = *(self + 1);            var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleAddress);            var obj = (ClassFactory)handle.Target;            return obj.AddRef();        }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]        public static int Release(IntPtr* self)        {            var handleAddress = *(self + 1);            var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleAddress);            var obj = (ClassFactory)handle.Target;            return obj.Release();        }                [UnmanagedCallersOnly]        public static unsafe int CreateInstance(IntPtr* self, IntPtr outer, Guid* guid, IntPtr* instance)        {            var handleAddress = *(self + 1);            var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleAddress);            var obj = (ClassFactory)handle.Target;            return obj.CreateInstance(outer, guid, instance);        }        [UnmanagedCallersOnly]        public static int LockServer(IntPtr* self, bool @lock)        {            var handleAddress = *(self + 1);            var handle = GCHandle.FromIntPtr(handleAddress);            var obj = (ClassFactory)handle.Target;            return obj.LockServer(@lock);        }    }}



public class DllMain{    private static ClassFactory Instance;     [UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "DllGetClassObject")]    public static unsafe int DllGetClassObject(void* rclsid, void* riid, nint* ppv)    {        Instance = new ClassFactory();         Console.WriteLine("来自分析API的问候");         *ppv = Instance.Object;         return HResult.S_OK;    }}

